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Dart callback - passing asynchronous message to parent object

I am trying to pass data (bool) from a child class through a callback Function (ondone) provided by the parent class, which will be called in a periodic function with a boolean argument.

import 'dart:async';

class Flow {
  MyTimer timer;
  bool done = false;
  Function ondone;

  Flow() {
    ondone = (bool b) => done=b;

  void addtimer(int t) {
    timer = MyTimer(t, ondone);


class MyTimer {
  final int time;
  int remaining;
  Function callback;
  Timer _timer;

  MyTimer(this.time, this.callback){
    remaining = time;

  void run() {
    _timer = Timer.periodic(
        Duration(seconds: 1), 
        (t) { 
          if (remaining == 0) {

But I am unable to figure out if callback is being called or not, because print function (in main) is not printing anything which is wrapped in an if expression.

void main() {
  var flow=Flow();
  if(flow.done) print('Timer Finished..');
  print('I need to run while timer is working');

Passing data from child to parent in an imperative style is important for me (as a beginner).


  • The call to invokes the Timer which executes asynchronously. Your next line of code tests flow.done immediately, and of course it is not done yet. If you do this:;
      await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 6));
      if (flow.done) print('Timer Finished..');

    Then your main function will pause for 6 seconds by which time the Timer will be complete.

    If you do want to wait for the delay, you could code as follows:

      Future<void> run() async {
        while (remaining > 0) {
          await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
          remaining = remaining - 1;

    and call it as:


    Edit: If you want to run other code in main and then wait, you can do:

      var future = flow.timer?.run();
      print('Timer is running...');
      await future;
      if (flow.done) print('Timer Finished..');