I tried to make a device functor that essentially performs (unoptimized) matrix-vector multiplication like so
namespace cusolve
template <class value_type,
class matrix_type = value_type*,
class vector_type = value_type*>
struct linear_operator
const matrix_type matrix;
const size_t width;
linear_operator(const matrix_type matrix, size_t width)
: matrix(matrix), width(width) { }
void operator()(const vector_type x, vector_type x_out)
auto col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
auto row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
x_out[row] = 0;
if (row < width)
for (size_t i = 0; i < width; i++)
x_out[row] += matrix[row*width + i] * x[i];
So, this assumes that matrix
, x
, and x_out
are device pointers. So, to test it I tried to call it from a simple kernel
operateKernel(double *d_matrix,
double *d_vector, double *d_vector_out,
size_t width)
cusolve::linear_operator<double> matmul(d_matrix, width);
matmul(d_vector, d_vector_out);
operate(double *matrix, double *vector, double *vector_out, size_t width)
const dim3 blockConfig(16, 16);
const size_t gridWidth = (size_t) ((double) width) / 16.0l;
const dim3 gridConfig(gridWidth, gridWidth);
double *d_matrix, *d_vector, *d_vector_out;
auto mem_vector = width * sizeof(double);
auto mem_matrix = mem_vector * width;
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_matrix, mem_matrix);
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_vector, mem_vector);
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_vector_out, mem_vector);
cudaMemcpy(d_matrix, matrix, mem_matrix, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_vector, vector, mem_vector, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
operateKernel<<<gridConfig, blockConfig>>>(d_matrix, d_vector, d_vector_out, width);
cudaMemcpy(vector_out, d_vector_out, mem_vector, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
But, when I try to call operate()
from main()
using allocated and initialized to non-null vectors and a matrix, the output is all zeros. I have been whacking my head over this for quite a while now and have not been able to figure out what it is that I am doing wrong.
P.S: I am deliberately trying to do this without thrust as a learning exercise.
Forgot to use ceil
when calculating grid dimensions.
const size_t gridWidth = ceil( ((double) width) / 16.0l );