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Django/ Heroku Deployment (ProgrammingError at / relation "posts_post" does not exist LINE 1)

I'm Sorry to ask again, but i haven't gotten any solutions. my django blog works fine locally but after deploying to heroku, i started having an error. Please what can I do to resolve this? The error states: "ProgrammingError at / relation "posts_post" does not exist LINE 1: ...evious_post_id", "posts_post"."next_post_id" FROM "posts_pos..."


  • Open command line of heroku : heroku run bash

    Make migration of database : py makemigrations

    Migrate database : py migrate

    Create super user : py createsuperuser

    Login as admin at your hosted site: https://website url/admin

    This will not upload your data at local server.

    You may add data by creating superuser at heroku server