I am trying to update rows (remove hyphen and after hyphen all characters from column str_column) using query -
UPDATE table_name
SET str_column = SUBSTRING(str_column, 0, LENGTH(str_column) - 2)
WHERE str_column = '561279-1';
but above query is deleting matched rows instead of updating.
I am not able to understand, how update query can delete rows??
The substring has to begin with 1 not with 0
in the manual is clearly stated
A value of 0 for pos returns an empty string.
CREATE tABLE table_name (str_column varchar(20))
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES ('561279-1')
UPDATE table_name SET str_column = SUBSTRING(str_column, 1, LENGTH(str_column) - 2) WHERE str_column = '561279-1';
SELECT * FROM table_name
| str_column | | :--------- | | 561279 |
db<>fiddle here