I have a column in excel sheet with random numbers generated from 1 to 1 million.
I would like to read this particular column and store in an array in golang.
Later, i would like to pass this array as my request to my load balancer which will read the values in my column and do the load balancing accordingly.
I am using "github.com/360EntSecGroupSkylar/excelize" for creating an excel file
Thank you
Now I assume that all the other things such as creating, reading, etc. are out of the scope of this question and you have a struct file
that has the current excel file.
In this case, you can try following:
func GetCol(f *excelize.File, sheet string, col rune) ([]string, error) {
colIndex := int(col) - 'A'
cols, err := f.GetCols(sheet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if colIndex >= len(cols) {
return nil, errors.New("column index out of bound")
return cols[colIndex], nil
And use this as following:
cols, _ := GetCol(f, "Sheet1", 'B')
for _, col := range cols {
Make sure to use capital column index. You can modify the function to take index directly. Also, make sure to handle errors your way.