Need some help in running Spring Boot Application, I have cloned a Microservice and Imported into Eclipse. Now I want to run this as spring boot application in my STS(4.10.0 version). While running I need to supply profile. For this I am setting up configuration (Run Configuration). Steps :
Note : I tried Importing Project as "Maven Project", "Existing project Into Workspace" and Git project into workspace. All these 3 ways are not working for me
Need help
This looks like your project is not recognized as a Spring Boot application. Without looking at your project it is hard to say why the IDE doesn't identify your project as a Spring Boot project. Does that work when you create a new Spring Boot project using the Spring wizards? Also feel free to share a link to your project, we would be happy to take a deeper look.
As a workaround, you can always start your Spring Boot application as a regular Java Application using the "Run as Java Application" in the IDE. That way you would have to set the active profiles via a system property in your launch config.