I have the following docString in my python project:
def challenge():
"""Route for POST a challenge.
For call this route, we need to pass a serialNumber on body form.
If this serialNumber is in the database and corresponds to a tablet we call methods for create challenge
:returns: An HTTP response with a challenge
curl --location --request POST 'xxxx:xxxx/challenge'
--form 'serialNumber="xxxxx"'
"challenge": "xxxx"
When I run make html, sphinx give me the following error:
docstring of src.modules.challenge.router.challenge:15: WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
And the formatting is not at all what I want in my documentation. I want for each route of my API to insert an example of request / response in the form of text block or code block.
Add a blank line between EXAMPLE::
Blocks (paragraphs) must be separated from other blocks by blank lines. See https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html#literal-blocks.