I am developing an app with ionic and angular. In one specific page I added a component into the ion-content, however now I want to choose to display another one when I click a button. I have been looking for an option but it has been imposible for me to find how to do it. This is my actual code:
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-button (click)="changeComponent()" color="primary">
<ion-icon name="copy-outline"></ion-icon>
What I want to do is to add in the ion-content another component called app-dual-blockly that has to be seen only when I click the changeComponent button and hide the actual app-blocky.
Thank you very much.
define your boolean properties to show components or not:
public showComponentA = false;
public showComponentB = false;
When clicking the button, toggle the action
changeComponent() {
this.showComponentA = !this.showComponentA;
changeComponentB() {...}
In this case, you can easily work with *NgIf
<app-blockly *ngIf="showComponentA"></app-blockly>
<another-component *ngIf="showComponentB"></another-component>
If things grow, you can either choose a Angular Router or use a switchStatement. For only two Components, this should do the trick.