I'm looking for help on a tricky QRegExp that I'd like to pass to my QSortFilterProxyModel.setFilterRegex
. I've been struggling to find a solution that handles my use-case.
From the sample code below, I need to capture items with two underscores (_) but ONLY if they have george or brian. I do not want items that have more or less than two underscores.
string_list = [
view = QListView()
model = QStringListModel(string_list)
proxy_model = QSortFilterProxyModel()
The first part (matching two underscores) can be accomplished with the line (simplified here, but really each token can be composed of any alphanumeric character other than _, so [a-zA-Z0-9]*):
The second part can be accomplished (independently with)
To complicate matters, these additional criterial apply:
To simplify them:
Do the QRegExp and QSortFilterProxyModel even have the capabilities I'm looking for, or will I need to resort to some other approach?
For very complex conditions using regex is not very useful, in that case it is better to override the filterAcceptsRow method where you can implement the filter function as shown in the following trivial example:
class FilterProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel):
_words = None
_number_of_underscore = -1
def filterAcceptsRow(self, source_row, source_parent):
text = self.sourceModel().index(source_row, 0, source_parent).data()
if not self._words or self._number_of_underscore < 0:
return True
return (
any([word in text for word in self._words])
and text.count("_") == self._number_of_underscore
def words(self):
return self._words
def words(self, words):
self._words = words
def number_of_underscore(self):
return self._number_of_underscore
def number_of_underscore(self, number):
self._number_of_underscore = number
view = QListView()
model = QStringListModel(string_list)
proxy_model = FilterProxyModel()
proxy_model.number_of_underscore = 2
proxy_model.words = (