I have a table view cell that has a collection view inside of it, and i wanted to make a static method i can use from outside the class to get the value but i can not do that what is an alternative way to return size of this collection view inside the table view cell
What I did is i stored a property with collection view height but couldn't return it in func
There are many ways to achieve this. One of the simplest ways it to use protocols.
In your CollectionViewCell but outside of your class, define protocol:
protocol CollectionViewCellDelegate: class {
func sizeOfCollectionView(size: CGSize)
In your CollectionViewCell class; define this protocol as a weak variable
weak var delegate: CollectionViewCellDelegate?
In your CollectionViewCell class; where you have the correct size; return it to any observers of this delegate using the following method:
self.delegate?.sizeOfCollectionView(size: bounds.size)
Now this delegate receives sizeOfCollectionView
calls and it's parent can observe it.
For example:
In your parent class:
cell.delegate = self
After doing this try to build the project and Xcode will tell you that your class doesn't have the delegate implemented. You can then define the delegate as follows:
extension ParentClass: CollectionViewDelegate {
func sizeOfCollectionView(size: CGSize) {
// You will receive size here
Here I'm also adding a medium tutorial for a more detailed explanation on this.
Hope these help!