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XUnit + Moq + FluentAssertions, checking for null on Task instead of proper object

I am new to unit testing and moq.

Using Postman to test DeleteItemAsync(),

    public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteItemAsync(string id)
        var item = _ItemRepo.GetItemByIdAsync(id);
        if (item == null)
            return NotFound();
        await _itemRepo.DeleteItemAsync(id);
        return NoContent();

when the item isn't found, I get the proper result, NotFound.

When running my unit test it's failing because, in the controller, it is checking for null on the Task object returned by the moq _repoStub call to GetItemByIdAsync(id).

    public async Task DeleteItemAsync_ItemDoesntExist_ReturnsNotFound()
        // Arrange
            .Setup(repo => repo.GetItemByIdAsync(It.IsAny<String>()))
            .SetupSequence(repo => repo.DeleteItemAsync(It.IsAny<String>()))

        var controller = new ItemController(_repoStub.Object, _mapperStub);

        // Act
        var actionResult = await controller.DeleteItemAsync(It.IsAny<String>());

        // Assert


  • GetItemByIdAsync should be awaited in the subject under test

    public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteItemAsync(string id)
        var item =  await _ItemRepo.GetItemByIdAsync(id); //<--!!!
        if (item == null)
            return NotFound();
        await _itemRepo.DeleteItemAsync(id);
        return NoContent();

    otherwise it will return a Task and thus not be null as shown by your error.

    Also, note that It.IsAny should only be used in expectation expressions and not as a variable

    public async Task DeleteItemAsync_ItemDoesntExist_ReturnsNotFound()
        // Arrange
            .Setup(repo => repo.GetItemByIdAsync(It.IsAny<String>()))
            .SetupSequence(repo => repo.DeleteItemAsync(It.IsAny<String>()))
        var controller = new ItemController(_repoStub.Object, _mapperStub);
        // Act
        var actionResult = await controller.DeleteItemAsync(""); //<--It.IsAny<String>() removed
        // Assert