I am trying to execute a raw stored procedure, it shows some compilation error in SQL Developer. but it is not returning in the call back function from execute() method.
ex.runQuery = async (data)=>{
//{ "STATUS": "SUCCESS", data: { result }, object_key_seq: data[i].object_key_seq, type: data[i].type, i: i }
//{ "STATUS": "ERROR", "ERROR": utils.parseError(err, query), object_key_seq: data[i].object_key_seq, type: data[i].type, i: i }
let connection = null;
let resutl = null;
connection = await oraconnect.getPoolConnection()
if(data.object_type == 'SEQUENCE' || data.object_type == 'TABLE' || data.object_type == 'VIEW' || data.object_type == 'INDEX'){
data.script = data.script.slice(0, -1);
if(data.script.slice(-1) == '/'){
data.script = data.script.slice(0, -1);
resutl = await oraconnect.query(connection, data.script, [], 100);
return { "STATUS": "ERROR", "ERROR": {errorMessage:err.message}, object_key_seq: data.object_key_seq, type: data.type, object_name :data.object_name}
if (connection) {
try {
await oraconnect.doRelease(connection);
//await connection.close();
} catch (err) {
return { "STATUS": "SUCCESS", data: { resutl }, object_key_seq: data.object_key_seq, type: data.type, object_name: data.object_name}
Above is the one I used. I am expecting an error in the first catch block like shown in the below image
You question doesn't show the statement text being executed in node-oracledb, but the SQL Dev screenshot seems to show that you are creating or compiling a stored procedure.
When creating PL/SQL procedures and functions in node-oracledb, the current version 5.1 doesn't support 'success with info' errors that PL/SQL compilation errors return. This is noted in enhancement request https://github.com/oracle/node-oracledb/issues/823.
You can manually check for issues by querying user_errors
await connection.execute(
`create or replace procedure badproc() as
const r = await connection.execute(
`select line, position, text
from user_errors
where name = 'BADPROC' and type = 'PROCEDURE'
order by name, type, line, position`,
[], { outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT }
if (r.rows.length) {
console.error('at line ', r.rows[0].LINE, 'position', r.rows[0].POSITION);
Output is like:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:
<an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>
current delete exists prior
at line 1 position 19
Trying to call such an invalid procedure gives the expected error:
const r2 = await connection.execute(`begin badproc(1); end;`);
[Error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00905: object CJ.BADPROC is invalid
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored] {
errorNum: 6550,
offset: 6