I have two tables show_types and venues. With a many-to-many relationship i did create a new pivot as follows
public function up()
Schema::create('show_types_venues', function (Blueprint $table) {
And added to the models
public function venues()
return $this->belongsToMany(Venue::class, 'show_types_venues', 'show_types_id', 'venue_id');
public function shows()
return $this->belongsToMany(ShowType::class, 'show_types_venues', 'venue_id', 'show_types_id');
I'm trying to make this relation show up on Nova using
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
BelongsToMany::make('Venues', 'venues', Venue::class)
But nothing shows up in my interface. How can i make it show a select multiple where I could add/edit the venues associated with this showType? Do i need to create something more "manual" ? Thanks
Without luck with the documentation of Nova, I did a workaround using Bejacho's Belongs to Many Fields in which we can easily add the many to many relationships appearing as a multiple selector on Nova. Having the same setup as i mentioned above the only thing i did was to follow their example:
use Benjacho\BelongsToManyField\BelongsToManyField;
public function fields(Request $request){
return [
..., //If you are using with BelongsToMany native Field, put this field after
BelongsToManyField::make('Role Label', 'roles', 'App\Nova\Role'),
And worked perfectly for what I needed!