I tried to wrap ng-select into a reusable component. Everything works fine except ng-select does not display the default value. Reproducible example here: Stackblitz
How can I get ng-select to display the default/initial value?
Thank you
In select-input.component.html
you made 2 mistakes.
<ng-select #combo [ngClass]="
controlDir && controlDir.control && controlDir.control.touched
? !controlDir.control.valid
? 'invalid-select'
: 'valid-select'
: null
" placeholder="Select Type" [multiple]="multiple" [items]="items" bindLabel="{{ bindLabel }}"
bindValue="{{ bindValue }}" [clearable]="clearable" (change)="onSelectionChange($event)" (focus)="onTouched()"
First: [(ngModel)]
they call "banana in a box", so it's always braces inside brackets and not the other way round.
Second: the term inside the double quotes must not be surrounded by braces.
Should work now.