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Loop through an object by not using two for loops

I am trying to loop through an object and get the values of the properties using two for loops.

var fakeData = {
     "manufacturer": "tesla",
     "cars": [
          {"title": "CALI", "name": "CALI", "type": "string" },
          {"title": "TEXAS", "name": "TEXAS", "type": "string" },
          {"title": "NY", "name": "NY", "type": "string" }
     "usedCars": [
          {"title": "FL", "name": "FL", "type": "string" }

let carTitles=[];
for (title of

for (key of fakeData.usedCars) 

console.log('cars as string are:', carTitles.join(','));

I get the output as expected, but was wondering if there is a better way to do this which would prevent using two for loops. Any suggestions? (thanks for the help earlier @cybercoder)


  • You can achieve this by concatenating the arrays and using map:

    var fakeData = {
         "manufacturer": "tesla",
         "cars": [
              {"title": "CALI", "name": "CALI", "type": "string" },
              {"title": "TEXAS", "name": "TEXAS", "type": "string" },
              {"title": "NY", "name": "NY", "type": "string" }
         "usedCars": [
              {"title": "FL", "name": "FL", "type": "string" }
    const carTitles = [, ...fakeData.usedCars].map(car => car.title);
    console.log('cars as string are:', carTitles.join(','));

    If you want to keep the for ... of loop, you can also write it like this:

    var fakeData = {
         "manufacturer": "tesla",
         "cars": [
              {"title": "CALI", "name": "CALI", "type": "string" },
              {"title": "TEXAS", "name": "TEXAS", "type": "string" },
              {"title": "NY", "name": "NY", "type": "string" }
         "usedCars": [
              {"title": "FL", "name": "FL", "type": "string" }
    const allCars = [, ...fakeData.usedCars];
    const carTitles = [];
    for (let car of allCars) {
    console.log('cars as string are:', carTitles.join(','));