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GCC Devirtualization and Inlining only first Interface

i found a problem in the following code:

It looks like GCC can only devirtualize the first Interface I_Udc. The Interface GCC is not able to devirtualize the second interface I_Uac. If I write I_Uac first, the I_Uac call will be inlined.

Here is the code at compiler explorer:

class I_Uac
    virtual float GetIUac() = 0;

class I_Udc
    virtual float GetIUdc() = 0;


class DataAcq final : public I_Udc, public I_Uac
    float GetIUac() 
        return r;

    float GetIUdc()
        return m;

        float r = 20;
        float m = 20;

DataAcq temp;

I_Uac& temp1 = temp;
I_Udc& temp2 = temp;

int main ()
    volatile float r = temp1.GetIUac();
    volatile float m = temp2.GetIUdc();

So the question is how can i force the compiler to inline both function calls via the interface reference?


  • The best/only way I know to guarantee devirtualization is to not virtualize in the first place. A slight change to your classes allows for a CRTP approach, though it's a tad uglier, especially when referring to the base class types, it's entirely doable.

    #include <cstdio>
    template <typename DerivedT>
    class I_Uac {
        float GetIUac() { 
            return static_cast<DerivedT*>(this)->GetIUac();
    template <typename DerivedT>
    class I_Udc {
        float GetIUdc() { 
            return static_cast<DerivedT*>(this)->GetIUdc();
    template <template <typename...> class... BaseTs>
    class DataAcq final : public BaseTs<DataAcq<BaseTs...>>... {
        float GetIUac() 
            std::puts("GetIUac"); // much nicer in compiler explorer output
            return r;
        float GetIUdc()
            return m;
            float r = 20;
            float m = 20;
    DataAcq<I_Udc, I_Uac> temp;
    I_Udc<decltype(temp)>& temp1 = temp;
    I_Uac<decltype(temp)>& temp2 = temp;
    int main ()
        volatile float r = temp1.GetIUdc();
        volatile float m = temp2.GetIUac();