Hi I've a problem with MetadataType with my partial class
In my asp.net mvc project i have a class library (Infrastructure) with a DB directory who contain my partial class scafolded from the DB
namespace BibliEasy.Infrastructure.DB
public partial class Series
public Series()
Publications = new HashSet<Publication>();
public int IdSerie { get; set; }
public string TitreSerie { get; set; }
public string StatutSerie { get; set; }
public int? VolumesSerie { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Publication> Publications { get; set; }
I add Metadata file for the data annotation
namespace BibliEasy.Infrastructure.DB
public partial class Series { }
public class SeriesMetaData
[Display(Name = "Titre")]
public string TitreSerie { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Statut")]
public string StatutSerie { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Nombre total de volume")]
[Range(0, int.MaxValue)]
public int? VolumesSerie { get; set; }
And it don't work, in the view this is the name of Serie's property and not the display from SeriesMetaData and the Validation don't work.
What am I missing?
for information the architecture of my project
Infrastructure class library
Domaine class library
Application class library
Ok in fact I'm in ASP.NET Core so it's not MetadataType but ModelMetadataTypeAttribute