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Oracle SQL add new column based on value of other column

I'm looking for some help to create a new column based on values from another column - if this is even possible... This is not an ideal solution but I'm out running out of options.

I need to replace the beginning folder paths, change the direction of the \ and change the extension

Existing Field:


New Field:


Oracle version Version

Thank you in advance


  • You can add a new column to your table named NewField:

    Alter table TableName add NewField varchar(500);

    Then update NewField by replacing some characters as you wish from ExistingField.

    update TableName set NewField= replace(replace(existingfield,'\','/'),'.cca','.wav')

    Here I have just replace '' with '/' and '.cca' with '.wav'.

    To replace path also:

    update TableName set NewField= '/location/TELEDATA/'||substr(replace(replace(existingfield,'\','/'),'.cca','.wav'),instr(replace(replace(existingfield,'\','/'),'.cca','.wav'),'/2020',1,1) + 1)


    Schema and insert statements:

     create table mytable (existingfield varchar(500));
     insert into mytable values('

    Add new column:

     Alter table mytable add NewField varchar(500);

    Update query:

     update mytable set NewField= '/location/TELEDATA/'||substr(replace(replace(existingfield,'\','/'),'.cca','.wav'),instr(replace(replace(existingfield,'\','/'),'.cca','.wav'),'/2020',1,1) + 1)

    Select query:

     select * from mytable;


    \BRRNAKCL12\Audiofiles22\1Year\Diogarfngal_ZZZZZZZZZ\2020\Aug\03\5249013\5249013-07-25-18-96572.cca /location/TELEDATA/2020/Aug/03/5249013/5249013-07-25-18-96572.wav

    db<>fiddle here