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Parsing BNF Grammar using Boost Spirit with some custom bnf rules

Assuming I have a BNF grammar as shown below. Now a 'List' will correspond to all terms before the '|' symbol. However, I want to read the very last number of every 'List' as an attribute of the 'List'.

<code> ::= <code> <line> 12 2 | <line> 24 4 
<line> ::= <ifte> 13 23 | <loop> 24 34 | <action> 15 3 
<ifte> ::= if <cond> {<code>} else {<code>} 12

Furthermore, this last number (List attribute) can be optional; I guess to make this easier I might have to maybe use some symbol to enclose the number for easier parsing e.g <<23>>.

The code from here compiles but it doesn't parse the grammar above:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
/*#include <fmt/ranges.h>
#include <fmt/ostream.h>*/
#include <iomanip>

namespace AST {

    struct Name : std::string {
        using std::string::string;
        using std::string::operator=;

        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Name const &n) {
            return os << '<' << n.c_str() << '>';

    using Term = boost::variant<Name, std::string>;

    struct List {
        std::vector<Term> terms;
        int number;

    using Expression = std::vector<List>;

    struct Rule {
        Name name; //rhs
        Expression rhs;

    using Syntax = std::vector<Rule>;

namespace Parser {

    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    template<typename Iterator>
    class BNF : public qi::grammar<Iterator, AST::Syntax()> {
        BNF() : BNF::base_type(start) {
            start       = qi::skip(blank)[rule % +qi::eol];
            _rule_name  = qi::hold[qi::char_('<') >> (qi::alpha >> *(qi::alnum | qi::char_('-'))) >> qi::char_('>')];
            _list       = +term >> qi::uint_;
            term        = _literal | _rule_name;
            _literal    = qi::hold['"' >> *(character - '"') >> '"']
                        | qi::hold["'" >> *(character - "'") >> "'"]
                        | qi::hold[+(qi::graph - qi::char_("<|>") - "::=")];
            character   = qi::alnum | qi::char_("\"'| !#$%&()*+,./:;>=<?@]\\^_`{}~[-");
            _expression = _list % '|';

            rule = _rule_name >> "::=" >> _expression;


        qi::rule<Iterator> blank;
        qi::rule<Iterator, AST::Syntax()>     start;
        qi::rule<Iterator, AST::Rule(),       qi::rule<Iterator>> rule;
        qi::rule<Iterator, AST::Expression(), qi::rule<Iterator>> _expression;
        qi::rule<Iterator, AST::List(),       qi::rule<Iterator>> _list;
        qi::rule<Iterator, AST::Term()>       term;
        qi::rule<Iterator, AST::Name()>       _rule_name;
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()>     _literal;
        qi::rule<Iterator, char()>            character;

int main() {
    Parser::BNF<std::string::const_iterator> const  parser;

How can I fix/modify the code link above to suit my needs.


  • I think it's unclear what input grammar you want to support.


    1. when list attributes can be optional, does that mean that instead of <code> <line> 12 2 this would also be a valid list without the attribute: <code> <line> 12 2? How would you avoid parsing the 12 as the attribute?
    2. your input uses names in {} - which the parser implementation you show clearly doesn't support. Do you need to support that? How?

    Let's address them both

    ad 2.: Fixing your input

    Let's assume you really don't want magic meaning to {}, but intended them as literals in your grammar. Like "if" and "else" they needed to be literals, so:

    <ifte> ::= 'if' <cond> '{' <code> '}' 'else' '{' <code> '}' 23


    <ifte> ::= "if" <cond> "{" <code> "}" "else" "{" <code> "}" 23

    That fixes your sample: Live On Compiler Explorer:

    code ::= <code><line> 34 | <line> 34
    line ::= <ifte> 23 | <loop> 34 | <action> 23
    ifte ::= if<cond>{<code>}else{<code>} 23
    Remaining: "

    ad 1.: Optional attributes

    Let's express our intent:

    using ListAttribute = int;
    struct List {
        std::list<Term> terms;
        ListAttribute attribute;

    And then in the grammar add a lexeme rule (no skipper):

    qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::ListAttribute()> _attribute;

    Which we then implement like:

    _attribute  = lexeme [ "<<" >> qi::uint_ >> ">>" ] 
                | qi::attr(0);
    _list       = +_term >> _attribute;

    Now it will recognize only <> as list attribute:

    Live On Compiler Explorer

    std::string const input =
        "<code> ::= <code> <line> | <line>\n"
        "<line> ::= <ifte> | <loop> | <action>\n"
        "<ifte> ::= 'if' <cond> '{' <code> '}' 'else' '{' <code> '}'\n"
        "<code> ::= <code> <line> <<34>> | <line> <<34>>\n"
        "<line> ::= <ifte> <<23>> | <loop> <<34>> | <action> <<23>>\n"
        "<ifte> ::= 'if' <cond> '{' <code> '}' 'else' '{' <code> '}' <<23>>\n"
        // and the disambiguated example from the question
        "<code> ::= <code> <line> '34' | <line> '12' <<2>>\n"


    code ::= <code><line> 0 | <line> 0
    line ::= <ifte> 0 | <loop> 0 | <action> 0
    ifte ::= if<cond>{<code>}else{<code>} 0
    code ::= <code><line> 34 | <line> 34
    line ::= <ifte> 23 | <loop> 34 | <action> 23
    ifte ::= if<cond>{<code>}else{<code>} 23
    code ::= <code><line>34 0 | <line>12 2
    Remaining: "


    I just realized that you don't need to disambiguate between 12 2 and 12 (missing attribute) because 12 isn't a valid input token anyways (literals/names start with one of <"'), so here goes:

    Live On Compiler Explorer

    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
    #include <fmt/ranges.h>
    #include <fmt/ostream.h>
    #include <iomanip>
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace Ast {
        struct Name : std::string {
            using std::string::string;
            using std::string::operator=;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Name const& n) {
                return os << '<' << n.c_str() << '>';
        using Term = boost::variant<Name, std::string>;
        using ListAttribute = int;
        struct List {
            std::list<Term> terms;
            ListAttribute attribute;
            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, List const& l) {
                for (auto& t : l.terms)
                    os << t;
                return os << " " << l.attribute;
        using Expression = std::list<List>;
        struct Rule {
            Name name; // lhs
            Expression rhs;
        using Syntax = std::list<Rule>;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::List, terms, attribute)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::Rule, name, rhs)
    namespace Parser {
        template <typename Iterator>
        struct BNF: qi::grammar<Iterator, Ast::Syntax()> {
            BNF(): BNF::base_type(start) {
                using namespace qi;
                start = skip(blank) [ _rule % +eol ];
                _rule       = _rule_name >> "::=" >> _expression;
                _expression = _list % '|';
                _attribute  = uint_ | qi::attr(0);
                _list       = +_term >> _attribute;
                _term       = _literal | _rule_name ;
                _literal    = '"' >> *(_character - '"') >> '"'
                            | "'" >> *(_character - "'") >> "'";
                _character  = alnum | char_("\"'| !#$%&()*+,./:;>=<?@]\\^_`{}~[-");
                _rule_name  = '<' >> (alpha >> *(alnum | char_('-'))) >> '>';
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Syntax()>     start;
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Rule(),       qi::blank_type> _rule;
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Expression(), qi::blank_type> _expression;
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::List(),       qi::blank_type> _list;
            // lexemes
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::ListAttribute()> _attribute;
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Term()>          _term;
            qi::rule<Iterator, Ast::Name()>          _rule_name;
            qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()>        _literal;
            qi::rule<Iterator, char()>               _character;
    int main() {
        Parser::BNF<std::string::const_iterator> const parser;
        std::string const input =
            "<code> ::= <code> <line> | <line>\n"
            "<line> ::= <ifte> | <loop> | <action>\n"
            "<ifte> ::= 'if' <cond> '{' <code> '}' 'else' '{' <code> '}'\n"
            "<code> ::= <code> <line> 34 | <line> 34\n"
            "<line> ::= <ifte> 23 | <loop> 34 | <action> 23\n"
            "<ifte> ::= 'if' <cond> '{' <code> '}' 'else' '{' <code> '}' 23\n"
            // and the disambiguated example from the question
            "<code> ::= <code> <line> '34' | <line> '12' 2\n"
        auto it = input.begin(), itEnd = input.end();
        Ast::Syntax syntax;
        if (parse(it, itEnd, parser, syntax)) {
            for (auto& rule : syntax)
                fmt::print("{} ::= {}\n",, fmt::join(rule.rhs, " | "));
        } else {
            std::cout << "Failed\n";
        if (it != itEnd)
            std::cout << "Remaining: " << std::quoted(std::string(it, itEnd)) << "\n";


    code ::= <code><line> 0 | <line> 0
    line ::= <ifte> 0 | <loop> 0 | <action> 0
    ifte ::= if<cond>{<code>}else{<code>} 0
    code ::= <code><line> 34 | <line> 34
    line ::= <ifte> 23 | <loop> 34 | <action> 23
    ifte ::= if<cond>{<code>}else{<code>} 23
    code ::= <code><line>34 0 | <line>12 2
    Remaining: "