If I have a value (of a type that is an instance of the Lift
typeclass), I can use lift
to create a Template Haskell representation of a term that evaluates to that value.
Is there anything similar for types? To give a small example, suppose I wanted to write
foo :: (SomeAppropriateConstraintOn a) => proxy a -> ExpQ
foo pa = [| \x -> (x :: $(liftType pa)) |]
How would I write this function?
One idea, alluded to in this Reddit thread, is to use the TypeRep
of a
. However, this isn't as simple as that thread makes it sound. Here's what I tried: a function that turns TypeRep a
into a Template Haskell Type
by recursively wrapping its tycon names in ConT
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
import Type.Reflection
import Language.Haskell.TH as TH
liftTypeRep :: TypeRep a -> TH.Type
liftTypeRep ty = foldl AppT t0 [liftTypeRep ty' | SomeTypeRep ty' <- args]
(con, args) = splitApps ty
t0 = ConT $ mkName (tyConModule con <> "." <> tyConName con)
But this (unsurprisingly) fails for data kinds. To illustrate, let's make a simple Nat
-indexed data type:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
data Foo (n :: Nat) where
MkFoo :: Foo n
Now if I try to liftTypeRep
the TypeRep
of Foo 42
, I get a nonsensical type:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
import Type.Reflection
test = $([| MkFoo :: $(pure $ liftTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep (Foo 42))) |])
The error message is:
liftTypeRep.hs:8:10: error:
• Illegal type constructor or class name: ‘42’
When splicing a TH expression:
Foo.MkFoo :: Foo.Foo (GHC.TypeLits.42)
• In the untyped splice:
$([| MkFoo ::
$(pure $ liftTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep (Foo 42))) |])
8 | test = $([| MkFoo :: $(pure $ liftTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep (Foo 42))) |])
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
If we print the splice, it is obviously wrong:
SigE (ConE Foo.MkFoo) (AppT (ConT Foo.Foo) (ConT GHC.TypeLits.42))
Someone else asked this, and I ended up writing lift-type
to fill this need.
It ends up being a bit hairy, since we need to parse out what sort of type it is from the type string. The easy case works for most types - regular type constructors, functions, even promoted data constructors (eg 'True
). I wrote some tests in the library that mostly cover the use case.
The code is here:
liftType :: forall t. Typeable t => Type
liftType =
go (typeRep @t)
go :: forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> Type
go tr =
case tr of
Con tyCon ->
mk tyCon
App trA trB ->
AppT (go trA) (go trB)
Fun trA trB ->
ConT ''(->) `AppT` go trA `AppT` go trB
mk :: TyCon -> Type
mk tyCon =
tcName =
tyConName tyCon
if hasTick tcName
nameBase =
mkOccName (drop 1 tcName)
name =
Name nameBase flavor
PromotedT name
else if hasDigit tcName then
LitT (NumTyLit (read tcName))
else if hasQuote tcName then
LitT (StrTyLit (stripQuotes tcName))
nameBase =
mkOccName tcName
flavor =
(mkPkgName $ tyConPackage tyCon)
(mkModName $ tyConModule tyCon)
name =
Name nameBase flavor
ConT name
stripQuotes xs =
case xs of
[] ->
('"' : rest) ->
reverse (stripQuotes (reverse rest))
_ ->
hasTick = prefixSatisfying ('\'' ==)
hasDigit = prefixSatisfying isDigit
hasQuote = prefixSatisfying ('"' ==)
isList = ("'[]" ==)
prefixSatisfying :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> Bool
prefixSatisfying p xs =
case xs of
a : _ ->
p a
_ ->
FOr full imports and extensions, see the source on Hackage.