As in the topic, how to multiplicate data from column with edit text in AdapterList? e.g.
class AdapterList (context: Context, val resource: Int, val objects: List<Opryski>) :
ArrayAdapter<Opryski>(context, resource, objects){
override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup): View {
val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context)
val customView = inflater.inflate(resource, parent, false)
val area= customView.findViewById<EditText>(
val dose= customView.findViewById<TextView>(
val name= customView.findViewById<TextView>(
val what= customView.findViewById<TextView>(
val when= customView.findViewById<TextView>(
val profilaktyka = customView.findViewById<TextView>(
val item = objects.getOrNull(position)
name.text =
dose.text = item.dose.toString() * area //<--- I want to multiplicate this//
what.text = item.what
when.text = item.when
profilaktyka.text = item.profilaktyka
return customView }
You can try something like this:
dose.setText((area.text.toString().toInt() * item.dose.text.toString().toInt()).toString())
Because you get an editable from editext.text
and then you convert it to string
and then parse Int
from that. Calculate whatever you want and then setText
with string back.