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MS teams adaptive card not sending input text value on submit

I am 500% sure it used to work and all of a sudden this is broken. The card for getting input is no longer passing the value back to nodejs.

The card looks like below:

       "type": "AdaptiveCard",
       "body": [
               "type": "TextBlock",
               "text": "Note text"
               "type": "Input.Text",
               "placeholder": "Type a note",
               "isMultiline":  true,
               "id": "noteIdVal"
       "actions": [
               "type": "Action.Submit",
               "title": "Save",
               "data": { "action" : "add_note", "objNumber": objId, "objType": objectType }
               "type": "Action.Submit",
               "title": "Cancel",
               "data" : {"action": "cancel"}
       "$schema": ""

On the submit action, in my nodejs i am getting the data in the values node which are passed in the data field. However, it is no longer attaching noteIdVal. Did something changed from MS side?


  • So, may be useful to other folks here. I have two showCards and the content of both the show cards has a common text field with same id name "noteIdVal". As ultimately it is a single json and hence was the culprit.

    Lesson, have all fields unique id values which is easy to miss when you have multiple show cards