I want to only create a Pull Request for the below specified dependencies. All other dependencies should not be considered. The config below does not do that because I get separate PR's for all dependencies that do not match the rules I specified. For example I get a PR for SimpleInjector. How can I get one PR only for the Dependencies that match, but no other PR's at all without creating explicit exclusion rules for every dependency?
"packageRules": [
"matchPackagePatterns": [
"excludePackageNames": ["Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers"],
"matchUpdateTypes": [
"groupName": "non major",
"groupSlug": "non-major"
There are two things to know that were key to solve this problem:
The config below disables all dependencies first and then selectively enables some dependencies again:
"packageRules": [
"matchPackagePatterns": ["*"],
"enabled": false
"matchPackagePatterns": [
"enabled": true
"matchUpdateTypes": [
"groupSlug": "non-major"