I have my tables set and the design I wanted...the only thing in my way of creating a sexy like/dislike system for my site is the actual PHP it would take (dont worry i wrote a bunmch of the code, its just not sending)
My problem is that my code isnt sending to any of the tables, so my question to you is how would I actually get it to send to the db?
Here's the code I have in place so far (along with the button)
<form action="up.php">
<input type="image" value="upBtn" name="upBtn" id="upBtn" src="images/add.png"> Like
Actual code (up.php)
require 'connect2.php';
if (isset($_POST['upBtn'])) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO votes (id, user, upvote, downvote) VALUES ('', '$username', '+ 1', '+ 0')");
mysql_query("UPDATE searchengine SET rel = rel '+ 1' WHERE id = '$id'");
$user name def (on the top of the page all of this code is on)
if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
$userid = $_SESSION['id'];
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
$id was already defined on the page since all of this is on the page I wanted the votes to appear
Try adding method="post"
to the form tag. If it still doesn't work, you should put some debugging code inside the if statement to see if your queries are actually being run.