I am developing a GUI with some drop downs and Line-edit fields. I can get it working. The scenario is that, with the entered values(all on button presses or keyboard typing), I want to evaluate these values and then activate the 'execute tool' button in GUI.
The problem is that I have no button or any interrupt for this evaluate function. It should be done automatically after all fields are filled.
I have a separate function for evaluation. But I am not knowing how to call this simple python 'evaluation' function in between GUI process.
class ApplicationWindow:
def __init__(self):
### .... init variables
def main_gui(self):
# creating a qt gui widget application Object to display - Config setup
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
... # All basic stuff for GUI setup, init & connect on key press
self.gui.i_year_num.activated.connect(lambda: self.i_year_fun())
self.gui.i_month_num.activated.connect(lambda: self.i_month_fun())
# self.evaluate() # Calling here executes this fun before even GUI is opened
def evaluate(self):
if ((self.i_year is not None)
and (self.i_month is not None) and .... #conditions# ):
print("All fields are not empty")
self.i_flag = True
if ((self.i_year == '')
or (self.i_month == '') or .... #conditions#):
self.showInfoDialog('Error', ' All fields should be filled! ')
self.file_name_tag = str(self.i_name) + '-' + str(self.i_year) + '-' \
+ str(self.i_month) + '-' + str(self.version_id)
print("Name tag is ", self.file_name_tag)
# The gui is called here
ApplicationWindow_object = ApplicationWindow()
You must create a method that validates all the inputs and invoke it every time something changes in the inputs you want to monitor:
# connections
def verify_validate(self):
is_valid = self.validate()
if not is_valid:
self.showInfoDialog('Error', ' All fields should be filled! ')
def validate(self):
if not all(self.gui.i_year_num, self.gui.i_month):
# some input is empty
return False
# other checks
return True