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window.print in Blazor WASM

I'm new to Blazor and I've been trying to find if there's any window.print() equivalent in Blazor. I wonder if there is any pre-made component/helper for this or do I need to create one from scratch? I've already searched enough and can't find any.


  • There is no equivalent in blazor but you should consider adding a javascript file with a method with window.print(), reference it in index.html and call it with injected IJSRuntime.

    Reference in index.html

    <script src="js/script.js"></script>

    Javascript file

    function printInvoke() {

    Example in component

    @page "/print"
    @inject IJSRuntime Js
    <button @onclick="Print"></button>
    @code {
        private async Task Print()
            await Js.InvokeVoidAsync("printInvoke");