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find minimum value of list in dictionary

I've been stuck for hours please help me find a way to compare the keys in the queue to dictionary and finding the minimum value.

Below is the code I have so far. I try using min() but it doesnt work.

def find_min(label,queue): 
  for i in queue:
    for l in label:
      for s in label[i]:
        list1 = []
        return min(l[1])

bellow is the label and queue input


  • You can use the following.


    def find_min(labels, queue):
        # Sort labels dictionary  based upon last item in values list 
        # which will be a number (kv[1] is value list, kv[1][-1] is last value in list)
        sorted_labels = dict(sorted(labels.items(), key = lambda kv: kv[1][-1]))
        #  Get the keys in order from sorted_labels that are also in the queue
        options = [k for k in sorted_labels if k in queue]
        # Return the first one (will be the smallest)
        return options[0] if options else None


    print(find_min({"A" : [0], "B" : ["A",10], "C" : ["B",10], "D" : ["C",15]}, ["A", "D"]))  
    # Output: A
    print(find_min({"A" : [0], "B" : ["A",10], "C" : ["B",10], "D" : ["C",15]}, ["B", "C", "D"]))  
    # Output: B

    Simpler Alternative

    def find_min(labels, queue):
        # Initialize min value
        k_min, v_min = None, None
        for k, v in labels.items():
            if k in queue:
                # Only check keys in queue
                if v_min is None or v[-1] < v_min:
                    # Don't have a min yet, or less than current min
                    v_min = v[-1]
                    k_min = k
        return k_min


    print(find_min({"A" : [0], "B" : ["A",10], "C" : ["B",10], "D" : ["C",15]}, ["A", "D"]))  
    # Output: A
    print(find_min({"A" : [0], "B" : ["A",10], "C" : ["B",10], "D" : ["C",15]}, ["B", "C", "D"]))  
    # Output: B

    Using Poster's Code

    def find_min(label,queue): 
        kmin = None
        value_min = None
        for l in label:
          if l in queue:
            value = label[l]
            n = len(value)
            last_value = value[n-1]
            if kmin is None or last_value < value_min:
                kmin = l
                value_min = last_value
        return kmin