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The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_sqlagent_update_agent_xps', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 229)

I have installed SQL Server 2016 Express edition and also installed SSMS 18.4, now I am having an issue while restarting the SQL Server Agent service.

I am able to login with my system user, but not able to login with the default user name like: dot (.) or (local) or sa account.


  • I had the same problem on a local instance of SQL Server 2017 developer edition. For me the solution was:

    • go to services.msc

    • locate SQL Server Agent service, right click properties, click Log On tab and take note the user that is running the service**. for me it was
      Local System account (the default). back out of the dialog

    • go to to SQL Server Management Studio, login, open the Security node, open Login, and locate the user running the service. In my case the
      user is [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] which correlates to Local System above. right click the user, properties, Server Roles, add sysadmin priv and save.

    • start SQL Agent

    **The user I granted sysadmin to was not the same user as the SSMS was logged in as, it was the user that was set to run the service