I am a beginner in FiPy and I am currently trying to solve the equations of the image. It represents a compressible isothermal 1D flow.
As boundary conditions, let's say that density rho is constant in the outlet (right), while u is constant in the inlet (left). Since three variables are present (rho, u and p), I'am adding a very simple correlation such as p = rhoconstant. How would I write and solve this system? Then, let's say that the 3rd equation is a little more complex such as p = rhof(p), what should change?
W/ much help I could obtain
#1. Domain
L = 10
nx = L
dx = .1
mesh = fi.Grid1D(nx = nx, dx=dx)
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
#2. Parameters values (Arbitrary)
Lambda = 0.5 # Friction factor
D = 25 # Pipe diameter
z = 0.1 # Comprensibility factor
R = 0.0001 # Specific gas constant
T = 0.005 # Gas Temperature
Z = 0.1
#3. Variables
## Rho.
rho = fi.CellVariable(name="rho",
v = fi.CellVariable(name="gas vel",
#4. Zero flux boundary conditions
rho.constrain (20., where = mesh.facesLeft)
v.constrain (4., where = mesh.facesRight)
#5. PDE
eq1 = fi.TransientTerm(var=rho) == - fi.ConvectionTerm(coeff=[v], var=rho)
eq2 = fi.TransientTerm(coeff = rho, var=v) == - fi.ConvectionTerm(coeff=[rho], var=v**2) - fi.ConvectionTerm(coeff=[Z*R*T], var = rho) - Lambda * rho * v * np.abs(v) / (2 * D)
eqn = (eq1 & eq2)
timeStepDuration = .1
steps = 50
#Plot the system for each time t
for step in range(steps):
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, nx), rho.value)
plt.ylim(0, 2.5)
Thank you in advance.
It is not a problem to solve for density in one equation and velocity in another (you shouldn't be treating density as a constant in the second, but rather as the scalar field solved by the first equation).
We have a Stokes flow example that might help you get started.
We have another example with a richer flow model, but there are a lot of other things going on there that may obscure what you're interested in.