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Could you let me know about rep() function in Python?

Like the below R code, how can I simply generate the same data table in Python?

Genotype <- c(rep(c("CV1","CV2", "CV3"), each=9))

Treatment <- c(rep(c("TR1", "TR2", "TR3"), each=3), 
               rep(c("TR1", "TR2", "TR3"), each=3),
               rep(c("TR1", "TR2", "TR3"), each=3))
Block <- c(rep(c("B1","B2","B3"), times=9))

yield <- c(rep("15",5), rep("18",5), rep("20",8), rep("14",7), rep ("21",2))

dataA<- data.frame (Genotype, Treatment, Block, yield)

enter image description here

This is Python code I generated, but I believe more simple way. Could you let me know how to make a simple code, using rep() like in R?

import pandas
from pandas import DataFrame
                     "CV3","CV3", "CV3","CV3","CV3"],

Always thanks!!


  • df = pd.DataFrame(
            "Genotype": ["CV1"] * 9 + ["CV2"] * 9 + ["CV3"] * 9,
            "Treatment": (["TR1"] * 3 + ["TR2"] * 3 + ["TR3"] * 3) * 3,
            "Block": ["B1", "B2", "B3"] * 9,
            "yield": [15] * 5 + [18] * 5 + [20] * 8 + [14] * 7 + [21] * 2,


       Genotype Treatment Block  yield
    0       CV1       TR1    B1     15
    1       CV1       TR1    B2     15
    2       CV1       TR1    B3     15
    3       CV1       TR2    B1     15
    4       CV1       TR2    B2     15
    5       CV1       TR2    B3     18
    6       CV1       TR3    B1     18
    7       CV1       TR3    B2     18
    8       CV1       TR3    B3     18
    9       CV2       TR1    B1     18
    10      CV2       TR1    B2     20
    11      CV2       TR1    B3     20
    12      CV2       TR2    B1     20
    13      CV2       TR2    B2     20
    14      CV2       TR2    B3     20
    15      CV2       TR3    B1     20
    16      CV2       TR3    B2     20
    17      CV2       TR3    B3     20
    18      CV3       TR1    B1     14
    19      CV3       TR1    B2     14
    20      CV3       TR1    B3     14
    21      CV3       TR2    B1     14
    22      CV3       TR2    B2     14
    23      CV3       TR2    B3     14
    24      CV3       TR3    B1     14
    25      CV3       TR3    B2     21
    26      CV3       TR3    B3     21