I'm tearing my hair out over here. I've developed applications with earlier versions of nativescript and this has never been issue... This is my last effort before I just downgrade to an older version
I have ran the command tns resources generate icons ../icon.png and it claims to have successfully generated the icons and I can see them in the directory... build and deployed to phone. Still has the default nativescript icon
I went to App_Resources/Android/src/main/res and manually updated the ic_launcher.png file in every mipmap directory... build and deployed to phone, same result! Default icon
Tried deleting the platform/android directory and rebuilding. No luck
I searched from the root directory and I cannot figure out how the heck this default icon is appearing still!!!
Note: I was able to change the splash screen
Any help... please, thank you
I ended up solving this issue eventually, so for anyone this might help in the future... In the newer versions of NativeScript there is now a new folder in res called "mipmap-anydpi-v26" which uses vector graphics. If your on SDK 26+ it will automatically use this vector graphic and IGNORE every other PNG icon in all the other folders.
Your options to remedy this are either:
A) Delete this folder from the directory, which will force it to fall back to the regular PNG icon that's appropriate for the device resolution
B) Edit the file in the folder and update the SVG to use yours