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AWS api call with aws4fetch package in cloudflare workers?

I'm not able to call AWS Api's using aws4fetch.

Could someone giveme an example on how to call S3 putobject using cloudflare workers ?


  • The below code worked for me to upload a simple txt file from a cloudflare worker to an amazon S3 bucket

    import aws4fetch

    const aws4fetch = require('aws4fetch')

    declare your access key and secret that you saved when you created in aws the iam profile with permissions at least putobject and programmatic access (secure it by passing as a resource only the arn bucket you re interested)

    const access_key = '<access_key_id_here>';
    const access_secret = '<access_secret_here>';
    const region = '<region>';
    const bucket = '<bucket_name>';

    Initialize aws4fetch client

    const aws = new aws4fetch.AwsClient({
    const endpoint = 'https://'+bucket+'.s3.'+region+'';
    addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
    async function handleRequest(request) {
        const filename_key = 'test.txt';
        const content = `the content of the file`;
        const res = await aws.fetch(endpoint+filename_key, 
        { body: content, method: 'PUT'})
        return new Response('ok')

    Please note that you can also use aws-sdk too, which makes it more easier to interact with aws s3 but it will cost you at least 350kbytes of extra code (there is a limitation of 1mbyte worker script)