I have c#/2008/winform application. I have a form with a picture banner, and a datagridview below it
I want the picture banner to remain fixed in size, and the datagridview to rezise and fill the rest of the form.
I have set the picturebox to dock=top (Also pos=0,0, sizemode=centerimage - but these setting are not the problem)
My datagridview misbehaves no matter what i do If i do dock=fill, it starts from the top of form, and is obstructed by the picture If i try to set dock=bottom it does not resize with the container
I am aware of the concept of layoutmanagers but this is just a quick app so i hope i dont need one here.
Any ideas ? thank you
There may be a better workaround but the first thing I found that worked was to introduce a panel control.
Make you picture box Dock=Top, then place the panel below it with Dock=Fill, then your DataGridView goes inside the panel with Dock = Fill.