Using Angular 11 and AG Grid.
I'd like to turn on vertical column lines between the cells. I see that I can style my own cells with cellStyle or cellClass … but is this the appropriate way to do it?
I could style something like …
{ border-right: 1px solid; }
Is there not an API/option to toggle an option like this on/off? Doesn't make sense that row lines are automatic but column lines need to be manually styled. How am I supposed to know what the row color is to match it?
I had the same issue. And I came to the same conclusion - that I had to include a style to achieve this as I couldn't find an option to toggle them on.
Instead of styling the cells with my own class, I overrode all the cells with an appropriate colour:
.ag-theme-balham .ag-header-cell,
.ag-theme-balham .ag-header-group-cell,
.ag-theme-balham .ag-ltr .ag-cell {
border-right: 1px solid #D9DDDF;
(We've restyled the grid so alternate and selected rows are a different colour to standard, so this colour may not look correct for your colour scheme)