I'm all set following the installation instructions but suddenly the cam went off-line in the AWS Console (Device Status: Offline)(when I installed the device the status was online) Running version 1.2.3 with Linux kernel 4.10.17 I can ssh into the cam, I have a working wifi connection in the cam, I can update the cam software and I can see the video stream on the cam.
Do I need to restart an awscam service (if there's such service)? Or maybe reboot the camera (just did that, no dice)?
I have no idea why this is happening (I haven't updated the camera software or Ubuntu) BTW the effect of this is that the deployment of a project to the cam gets stuck (blue message with 0 progress)
I have found this can happen regularly as I power on/off the camera daily as I experiment with it. I've found re-install the awscam module works every time. You need SSH onto the device and run the following command :
sudo apt-get install --reinstall awscam
Wait about thirty seconds for the newly installed awscam to restart and you will see the device come back online. You don't need to Re-register the device or edit settings, just re-install awscam. Some more details are contained on the AWS forums, for example : https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=281899