I am trying to implement a use case with React Hooks and React Context API with mouse events.
I want to add mousemove
event for a container. If user moves over an object (rectangle), a dispatch action is called and context value is updated. I want to achieve that the action is not dispatched repeatedly by checking context value before dispatching. The issue is that function doesn't get current context value.
This the event function useMouseEvents.js
import * as React from "react";
import { DragToCreateContext, actionTypes } from "./reducer";
export function useMouseEvents(elRef) {
const { dragToCreate, dispatchDragToCreate } = React.useContext(
console.log("out of callback", dragToCreate);
const handleMouseMove = React.useCallback(
(evt) => {
if (evt.target.tagName === "P") {
console.log("inside callback", dragToCreate);
if (evt.target.tagName === "P" && dragToCreate.sourceNodeId === null) {
type: actionTypes.ACTIVATE,
sourceNodeId: 1
React.useEffect(() => {
const el = elRef?.current;
if (el) {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
}, [elRef, handleMouseMove]);
If you hover over rectangle, you will see in console log:
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
out of callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
out of callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
but it should be
inside callback {sourceNodeId: null}
out of callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
inside callback {sourceNodeId: 1}
The behavior that you see is because your listeners on mouseMove are removed and added whenever your context value changes. Also since your listener is recreated in useEffect it might so happen that before a new listener is attached, an old one executes and you get an old value from the closure.
To solve such scenarios, you can make use of a ref to keep track of updated context values and use that inside your listener callback. This way you will be able to avoid addition and removal of mouse event listener
import * as React from "react";
import { DragToCreateContext, actionTypes } from "./reducer";
export function useMouseEvents(elRef) {
const { dragToCreate, dispatchDragToCreate } = React.useContext(
console.log("out of callback", dragToCreate);
const dragToCreateRef = React.useRef(dragToCreate);
React.useEffect(() => {
dragToCreateRef.current = dragToCreate;
}, [dragToCreate]);
const handleMouseMove = React.useCallback((evt) => {
if (evt.target.tagName === "P") {
console.log("inside callback", dragToCreateRef.current);
if (
evt.target.tagName === "P" &&
dragToCreateRef.current.sourceNodeId === null
) {
type: actionTypes.ACTIVATE,
sourceNodeId: 1
}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
const el = elRef?.current;
if (el) {
el.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
el.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
}, [elRef, handleMouseMove]);