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Loading Large 3D NumPy Array Into Paraview

What is the best file format to save a large 3D NumPy array to, so I can easily load it into Paraview?

I have a very large 3D NumPy array filled with data points. I am trying to load this large array into Paraview using a few different methods, but I have been unsuccessful. The array has dimensions of (2000, 1500, 200).

So far, I have used gridToVTK to convert the array into a .vtr file, but gridToVTK crashes if the array is much larger than 100MB. I split up the array into smaller more maintainable chunks and saved the chunks as multiple .vtr files and stiched them together in Paraview, but this method is too slow and tedious.

I have also tried saving the NumPy array as a .raw file and loading that into Paraview, but I have been unsuccessful using that method.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how I should try and save this array so that I can easily load it into Paraview?


  • You can use the vtk module to use a vtkImageImport and then write the resulting imageData with vtkXMLImageDataWriter