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Concise if else in Kotlin

Is there a way to remove this if else block inside snackbar by replacing it with lambda or infix or anything to make it without +2 nesting in cognitive complexity

else {
                    "Sorry, text " + if (classofobj.innerclass.toString() == "1") {
                    } else {


  • You can define your own generic ternary function:

    fun <T> ternary(predicate: () -> Boolean, trueCase: () -> T, falseCase: () -> T) =
        if (predicate()) {
        } else {

    and then use it like so:

    ternary({ true }, { "was true" }, { "was false" })
        .also { println(it) } // prints: was true
    // or
    "Sorry, text " + ternary( { classofobj.innerclass.toString() == "1"} , {"good"}, {"bad"} )

    You can also have an infix variant but I doubt that it makes things more readable and it has some precedence strings attached :

    infix fun <T> (() -> Boolean).ternary(tfOptions: List<() -> T>): T =
        when (this()) {
            true -> tfOptions[0]()
            false -> tfOptions[1]()
    // and then
    val result = { true } ternary listOf({ "was true" }, { "was false" })
    println(result) // prints: was true