I've installed Mailgun-php in my Lumen project. ( https://github.com/mailgun/mailgun-php )
via composer composer require mailgun/mailgun-php kriswallsmith/buzz nyholm/psr7
My codes something like this :
use Mailgun\Mailgun;
$mg = new Mailgun('key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
Argument 1 passed to Mailgun\Mailgun::__construct() must be an instance of Mailgun\HttpClient\HttpClientConfigurator, string given, ........
Did anyone solve this problem?
Thank you.
You haven't actually read the docs for the library you're using.
use Mailgun\Mailgun;
$mg = Mailgun::create('key-example');
You need to call Mailgun::create()
, not create a new instance of Mailgun
It's worth noting that Lumen still supports Laravel's mail implementation, so you could still use that instead of requiring Mailgun directly (if that supported your use-case).