I have this python script where I get a list of addresses from a SQL table and then pass them to googles api using Geopy to get them Geocoded then write the data back to a different SQL table.
I'm currently stuck trying to extract out the address parts from address_components.
I've tried quite a few things like converting location.raw
to Json, using other address parsers (but i'm not in the US) and my python is not strong. I also can't just reference the list part directly as different addresses will have different lengths so when I apply it to the dataframe later it fails as the lists arent all the same length. eg loc_raw0.append(location.raw['address_components'][0]['long_name'])
I'm currently trying to use a nested For loop just to get the street number out and then will replicate fo the other parts.
Whats happening is k
will equal 'address_components'
however v
will equal '{'long_name': '46', 'short_name': '46', 'types': ['street_number']}'
and not just 'street_number'
for k, v in location.raw.items():
if k == 'address_components' and 'street_number' in v:
df = pd.DataFrame(SQL_Query, columns=['address'])
loc_Inputaddress = []
loc_Longitude = []
loc_Latitude = []
loc_Matchedaddress = []
loc_subpremise = []
loc_street_number = []
loc_road = []
loc_locality = []
loc_AdminArea1 = []
loc_AdminArea2 = []
loc_postcode = []
loc_type = []
for address in df.address:
inputAddress = address
location = g.geocode(inputAddress, timeout=15)
#get address type
for k, v in location.raw.items():
if k == 'address_components' and 'street_number' in v:
except Exception as e:
print('Error, skipping address...', e)
In your code, v
is a list of dictionaries and, as far as I understand, you want the long_name
of the dictionary that has a street_number
type. This example should help you:
v = [{
"long_name": "40",
"short_name": "40",
"types": ["subpremise"]
"long_name": "46",
"short_name": "46",
"types": ["street_number"]
"long_name": "Aongatete",
"short_name": "Aongatete",
"types": ["locality", "political"]
# Iterate over v because it is a list
for address_component in v:
# Check if one of the address component types is "street_number"
if "street_number" in address_component["types"]:
# Output:
# 46