OK, inside of my BAT (batch) file I am trying to detect the number of physical cores of the Windows machine, then display that to the user. I am using 'wmic' which I have confirmed is working properly in a command prompt in retuning the correct information. However, when I try to display the value I have stored, it just shows a blank space.
For example, when I run this, the last line just shows "You have physical cores", and there is just a space between the word "have" and "physical", even though that's where the value of %cpuvar2% is supposed to be showing. I cannot figure out why this is not showing. I have tried with @ECHO ON as well, but no luck.
REM Intro message to let the user know what is happening
ECHO Detecting CPU cores...
REM Command to get the number of physical cores and store as a string var
wmic computersystem get numberoflogicalprocessors> cpuvar
REM Command to remove the first line of junk text from the returned string and save as a new var
MORE +1 cpuvar> cpuvar2
REM Output the number of physical cores to the user
ECHO You have %cpuvar2% physical cores!
System: Windows 10 Pro, x64
Here's a quick example for you to study.
@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Echo Detecting CPU cores...
Set "NumCores=0"
For /F EOL^=N %%G In ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe
ComputerSystem Get NumberOfLogicalProcessors 2^>NUL'
) Do For /F "Tokens=*" %%H In ("%%G") Do Set "NumCores=%%H"
Echo You have %NumCores% physical cores!