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What's the difference between `percona` and `percona/percona-server` docker images?

There're two docker images: and Both seem to be maintained by Percona and have links to Percona's github.

Why are there two of them? What is the difference between them? Are they compatible with each other?


  • TL;DR - Nothing, they both are built from the same repository. However, the _/percona images are newer.

    The official percona image was last built 4 hours ago (as of writing this), and contains this link to the maintainer's repository:

    Percona Official Image

    Notice the hyperlink "Maintained by: Percona", which points to this repository:

    The [Percona Server image] was last built two months ago, and the description contains the following reference to the source code:

    Percona Server Image Description

    This link is the same as the other image, but specifically references a certain directory (which apparently no longer exists, since it returns a 404 Not Found error).