I am building a website that will have hundreds of pages. Each of these pages will have a title, like:
The Best Webpage in the world - Stackoverflow
As above every page will have the sites name following the page title.
I want store the sites name in some sort of global variable.
This is so I will not need to manually change hundred's of page titles in-case the sites name changes.
Now I could just store the name in a file and use require_one to include it.
But I was hoping for a more elegant solution. That allows me to store title within php files, and call it in the same way you call a PHP GET etc.
The simplest you can do (and what I would recommend) is something like this:
// This is included in every page (maybe as part of including config.php or equivalent)
define('SITE_NAME', 'Stackoverflow');
function get_title($title) {
return sprintf('%s - %s', $title, SITE_NAME);
// This is in one of your pages
echo get_title('The best webpage in the world');