Given the following proto definition Can all autogenerated grpc clients produced by google code generation omit sending fields in PagingInfo?
In the python client, I can omit sending that field by using code like:
request = SearchRequest(paging_info=dict(a=OptionalField(d='d', e='e')), query='blah')
grpc proto definition:
syntax = "proto3";
message OptionalField {
string d = 1;
string e = 2;
message PagingInfo {
OptionalField a = 1;
OptionalField b = 2;
OptionalField c = 3;
message SearchRequest {
string query = 1;
PagingInfo paging_info = 2;
message SearchResponse {
string a = 1;
service SearchService {
rpc Search (SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse);
In proto3, all elements are considered optional
(in the proto2 sense), so yes: any compliant implementation should be able to send a message that omits that element.