Let's consider data following:
y <- runif(100)
df <- data.frame("Exp" = rexp(100), "Norm" = rnorm(100), "Wei" = rweibull(100, 1))
I want to perform linear regression but when formula is a string in format:
form <- "Exp + Norm + Wei"
I thought that I only have to use:
as.formula(lm(y~form, data = df))
However it's not working. The error is about variety in length of variables. (it seems like it still treats form as a string vector of length 1, but I have no idea why).
Do you know how I can do it ?
We can use paste
to construct the formula, and use it directly on lm
lm(paste('y ~', form), data = df)
#lm(formula = paste("y ~", form), data = df)
#(Intercept) Exp Norm Wei
# 0.495861 0.026988 0.046689 0.003612