Working on a code for school in which I need to modify it to only allow for an input range of 0 to 20o by the user. This is the code so far. Every time I try and place a while loop it doesn't work and I can still enter any value higher than 200. Any help would be appreciated.
import turtle #allows access to a collection of Python functions that make it possible to draw
Jane = turtle.Turtle() #creates a "turtle" to do our drawing for us; we will call the turtle Jane
# the next four lines get input from the user so we know how tall to make the bars in the graph
bar1 = int(input("What is the height of the first bar?" ))
bar2 = int(input("What is the height of the second bar?" ))
bar3 = int(input("What is the height of the third bar?" ))
bar4 = int(input("What is the height of the fourth bar? "))
#the turtle always starts out facing left; the next line rotates it so it faces up
#next we will create a function that will draw one bar of the bar graph
#the function requires us to pass the height of the bar into it
def bar(height):
#Jane will make a line that is as long as the height that the user inputted
#now we will turn Jane to the left to make the top of the bar
#now Jane needs to more forward to draw the top of the bar
#now Jane needs to turn left
#now Jane needs to draw a line that is as long as the height
#now Jane needs to rotate 180 degrees to be ready for the next bar
#now we will call the function four times--one for each bar. Notice that
#we will go in the order 4-3-2-1, since the bars will be drawn from right to left
Like this?
def limit_input(prompt):
while True:
value = int(input(prompt))
if value < 200:
return value
print( "Please keep your value below 200.")
bar1 = limit_input("What is the height of the first bar?")
bar2 = limit_input("What is the height of the second bar?")
bar3 = limit_input("What is the height of the third bar?")
bar4 = limit_input("What is the height of the fourth bar?")
An exercise left to the reader is to add a try
/except ValueError
clause to catch when the user types something other than a number.