I want to use the browsers native support for resetting all fields' values of a form to their default or initial state using an <input type"reset">
In native HTML, clicking the reset input will remove any user input and reset the field to whatever is set in as the value inline parameter: value='default value'
, and if it's empty or missing, it will reset to an empty field.
<input type="text" value="default value">
<input type="text" value="">
<input type="text">
<input type="reset">
In Svelte, the value attribute seems to never be printed in the html. As a results, clicking the reset input will empty every fields instead of reseting them to their initial values. Here's an example in Svelte REPL
So is there a way to force the native behaviour without handling it with javascript? is there a way to force svelte to print an inline attribute and never update it?
To my knowledge, Svelte doesn't have a built-in way to force setting the attribute instead of a property. If you look at the generated code in the REPL, it always sets the value property when value="something"
is used.
You can force setting the attribute using a custom action.
function valueAttr(node, val) {
node.setAttribute('value', val);
return {
update: function(val) {
node.setAttribute('value', val);
See below for how the action can be applied to the input element. You will use this action instead of setting value="something"
in the template. When the element is mounted, the function will run and set the value attribute on the element. The update function is optional, but will re-set the value attribute when the value passed to it changes.
let dvalue = 'default value';
function valueAttr(node, val) {
// see definition above
<input type="text" use:valueAttr={dvalue}>
<input type="text" use:valueAttr={"default value"}>
<input type="text">
<input type="reset">
Updating your REPL code to use this action makes the reset input function correctly.