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How to use floating point tolerances in the Catch framework?

I'm using the Catch test framework.

In the introductory blog post the author mentions the following feature:

  • Floating point tolerances supported in an easy to use way

I couldn't find any documentation on how to do this. How is this done in Catch?


  • It's simple. There is a class called Approx that lets you do this test in a very readable manner:

    #include <limits>
    TEST_CASE("demo/approx", "Approx demo") {
        double a = 1.0;
        double b = a + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
        REQUIRE_FALSE(b == a);
        REQUIRE(b == Approx(a));

    The tolerance can be changed by using the member functions epsilon() and scale() of the Approx object, like so: Approx(a).epsilon(e).