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music21: get the voice/program/instrument of midi voice from a flat score?

I have a simple script that uses music21 to process the notes in a midi file:

import music21

score = music21.converter.parse('')

for i in score.flat.notes:
  print(i.offset, i.quarterLength, i.pitch.midi)

Is there a way to also obtain a note's voicing / midi program using a flat score? Any pointers would be appreciated!


  • MIDI channels and programs are stored on Instrument instances, so use getContextByClass(instrument.Instrument) to find the closest Instrument in the stream, and then access its .midiProgram.

    Be careful:

    • .midiChannel and .midiProgram are 0-indexed, so MIDI channel 10 will be 9 in music21, etc., (we're discussing changing this behavior in the next release)
    • Some information might be missing if you're not running the bleeding edge version (we merged a patch yesterday on this topic), so I advise pulling from git: pip install git+
    • .flat is going to kill you, though, if the file is multitrack. If you follow my advice you'll just get the last instrument on every track. 90% of the time people doing .flat actually want .recurse().