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Bug Maintenance System

I spent a lot of time recently reading about debugging. One of the aspects that was continually referenced was not just a bug-tracking system, but a bug-solving process. I read about people writing down takes on the problem(that did or didn't work), tests that would determine if a given take on the fix would work or not, etc.

So I am thinking, "hey, this is a good idea"

I use Mantis right now, and it doesn't seem to have that capability(without abusing its fields). Mantis works great as a bug logger. But I'm looking for something more sophisticated in interface, I think.


Suppose my bug was "Pants fall off". Then I want to log this information as...

"Pants fall off; Feb 32, 2009, 25:61; when I walked into a room, my pants fell off!"

Developer 1...

Hypothesis 1: Pants too big.

Test 1:Put on a belt.

Possible Solution 1: Buy a belt.

Result = ?? Result ???

Test 2: Put on your kid sister's pants.

Possible Solution 2: Steal into her room and take all her pants while she's at school!

Result = ??, date/time = ???

Developer 2...

Hypothesis 2: Your pants have holes in them.

Test 1: Shine a light on them.

Possibile Solution: Buy new pants.

Result = ???, date/time = ???

Now, this is a silly example. But I think it would be great to have as a software tool. Does such exist, and if so, what's it called?


  • Trust me: you really don't want to maintain your bugs, that's why you don't find "Bug Maintenance Systems" :-)

    Sorry... couldn't resist. Regarding the actual content of your question: I personally just keep track of all that information in the comment history of the ticket. Mostly I use trac for its simplicity, but also the capability to link into sources if required (at least on the file level, I wish it would grok code so you can point into the AST).